The SSV Forum is a privately-owned, membership communication blog service and is NOT affiliated with the SSV HOA. The latest usage information about this two-tiered communication service will be published by the owner directly to members on an as-required basis.
To join the SSV Forum, information may be sent to the owner of the SSV Forum, Harlan Steinle, at the following email address: [email protected]. On your email subject line, please enter: Request inclusion in the SSV Forum.
In the body of your message, please include the following:
1. Your first and last name. *
2. Your SSV physical address (where you live). *
3. Do you rent or own the dwelling where you live?
4. If you rent, who do you rent from?
5. Is your household a 1-person or 2-person household? (this is for classification purposes only.
6. If you answered 2-person in question 5, please list the full name of the second person (for classification purposes only)
7. Your contact phone number (this number will be used only if your email fails to respond and the owner needs to contact you directly)
* For verification purposes, the name and address entered MUST match SSVHOA records. None of the information provided is shared elsewhere.
SSVTG club note: Harlan plans to return periodically with updates to this product at a Technology Group meeting to be announced. Unedited Youtube videos of these updates are listed under the "Sched. and Prev. Presentations" entry in the drop-down menu on the left side of this page.
To join the SSV Forum, information may be sent to the owner of the SSV Forum, Harlan Steinle, at the following email address: [email protected]. On your email subject line, please enter: Request inclusion in the SSV Forum.
In the body of your message, please include the following:
1. Your first and last name. *
2. Your SSV physical address (where you live). *
3. Do you rent or own the dwelling where you live?
4. If you rent, who do you rent from?
5. Is your household a 1-person or 2-person household? (this is for classification purposes only.
6. If you answered 2-person in question 5, please list the full name of the second person (for classification purposes only)
7. Your contact phone number (this number will be used only if your email fails to respond and the owner needs to contact you directly)
* For verification purposes, the name and address entered MUST match SSVHOA records. None of the information provided is shared elsewhere.
SSVTG club note: Harlan plans to return periodically with updates to this product at a Technology Group meeting to be announced. Unedited Youtube videos of these updates are listed under the "Sched. and Prev. Presentations" entry in the drop-down menu on the left side of this page.